'a-ha: The Movie' follows Morten Harket, Paul Waaktaar-Savoy, and Magne Furuholmen as they pursue their impossible dream of becoming famous pop stars of worldwide renown. They relocated to London in 1982 to maximise their chances, knowing that no previous Norwegian band had achieved international success. The dream was realised when a re-recorded version of 'Take On Me' came to reign the charts in the United States in 1985 — but things weren't that simple.
The band's melancholy and timeless music continues to captivate audiences nearly 35 years after their breakthrough. However, while the trio travel around the world together for their tour, they only truly meet on stage where they do what they love: performing.
In direct-to-camera interviews, Norwegian director Thomas Robsahm makes no apologies for describing a pop journey fraught with tensions and frustration over musical direction, control, and credit. The documentary also wishes to honour the intense and sensitive men who created melancholy pop classics such as 'The Sun Always Shines On TV' and 'Hunting High And Low'. As wonderful as 'Take On Me' is, it is clear that for Robsahm, the band is much more than that.
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