Yellow Crime Tape

Are you aware of just how often real-world offences are committed across Europe and which countries are most affected? Read on to find out more.

TechRobot analysed the real-world crime rates across Europe using metrics such as the number of assaults, kidnapping, rapes, intentional homicides, sexual violence, burglary and then real-world crime total.

The analysis reveals that the UK is the most dangerous country in Europe.

With high rates of kidnapping, assault, burglary and sexual violence, the UK suffers 11,618 cases per 100,000 citizens.

Surprisingly, the Scandinavian nation of Sweden is the next most dangerous country after the UK, with high levels of sexual violence and burglary. The total levels of real-world crime in Sweden are 5,955 per 100,000 inhabitants. Also, out of every 100,000 people, 195.11 experience sexual violence.

But although the rates of this crime are high in Sweden, only 18.29 citizens per 100,000 avoid places where there are no other people around for fear of being assaulted or harassed. It seems Swedish citizens are also surprisingly not concerned about experiencing theft of mobile phones, wallets or purses. Only 12.19 per 100,000 citizens are very fearful of this happening, even though Sweden ranks the third-highest for burglary at a rate of 737.52 per 100,000 citizens.


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