Customer Experience is Paramount to Success

Customer experience (CX) plays a vital role in shaping the success of any business...

The Importance of Directing Callers to the Correct Agent

Customer experience (CX) plays a vital role in shaping the success of any business. From the moment a customer interacts with your company, their experience can either make or break their decision to continue doing business with you. In the realm of inbound calls, the way customers are treated can have a significant impact on customer retention.
According to a study by Invoca, when callers are transferred directly to the correct agent, the impact on customer experience and retention is substantial. 49% of people feel relieved when they are routed to the right person from the start. This sense of relief can lead to a positive outlook on the interaction and the company as a whole. Additionally, 37% of customers perceive that their business is valued when they are swiftly connected to the appropriate agent, fostering a feeling of importance and care from the company.

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