Children's bedroom - 1

Rainy weekends are, let’s face it, a part of UK living, and when you’ve got kids, those indoor days can often seem to drag. But instead of wishing for sun, we say go with what you have, and make the most of those cosy days in. Don’t let the grey weather get you down - use it as an opportunity to have fun with the kids and get creative without going anywhere. Here are a few ideas to get you started, using things you’ll hopefully already have around the house:

Have An ‘Upside Down' Day

No, we don’t mean walk around on your head all day! We mean start the day with bedtime stories and supper and finish with breakfast!

And make everything in between an upside-down day. This could mean having pudding before your main meal, or wearing pyjamas all day and dressing up for bed.

Try doing some upside-down drawings and paintings or see if you can read a book upside down (yes it’s tricky!).

Two Girls Lying Upside Down

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