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Bodybuilding and the focus on strength have been around since forever, from gladiators competing in Ancient Rome to wrestlers fighting each other on television in the WWE. Roman gladiators had a primarily plant-based diet, with little meat or dairy products in their daily food consumption. Modern-day wrestlers, on the other hand, are known to take performance-enhancing drugs to build their muscles, namely steroids. But this steadily became illegal in more and more countries and sports, and now legal alternatives are needed to be provided instead.

Steroids have helped wrestlers for many decades. Wrestlers are able to build muscle and gain weight fast. On steroids, they also tend to train better, as well as increasing their appetite tenfold. Steroids in wrestling were the norm pre-2000s, with many competitors taking advantage of the stimulants within the steroids to help with their own growth. However, like most things, too much of something can be deadly.

Eddie Guerrero began wrestling in 1986, at the age of 19. He entered the World Wrestling Federation in 2000 and continued to compete until his untimely death in 2005 at the age of 38. Guerrero had passed as a result of heart failure, and it has since been revealed that Guerrero had been using steroids for years, which weren’t illegal at the time of use. It was reported that a few weeks before his death he received steroids that stopped the growth of heart muscles, which had fatal consequences.

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